hey everyone:
just wanted to make a little space on my blog deticated to my favourite movie of the century: (500) Days of Summer. Our society and generation has become obssesed with watching the same mainstream, boy-meets-girl love story. Take in mind, that yes, (500) Days is about about boy-meets-girl, but it is "not a love story. It is a story about love."
the two main characters are so comparable. the actors, joseph gordon-levitt

and zooey deschanel, respectively, are wonderously compatible, not to mention funny, beautiful creatures, and just plain out charming. are these two the only duo of human, ungeneric, intelligen actors? the world needs more of them.
the music in this movie is weaved in to a point that its just plain simple. a quick scan of the musical playlist left me in awe: to name a few, the smiths, regina spektor, mumm-ra, and of course the delightful meaghan smith (and her cheeky, indies-girly rendition of the pixies' "here comes your man").
this movie made me want to cry, to laugh and hold tom's hand, to nod my head in pure agreement at summer's ethics on life. this movie is REAL, its RELATABLE. go on and give it a spin.
your sure to enjoy this soon to be indie cult favorite(: