After lunch, we continued into the resort. Here is part two of my trip. Hope you enjoy!

An adorable little dome shaped candy shop! This got me excited :)

A ton of candy piled on crates. Amazing and obviously delicious snelling.

Yep. I was not kidding. A LOT of candy!

My mom took this picture and told me to post it. As you can tell, this morning I was wearing my black H&M cardigan. I have now been reduced to this :)

Next door was a shop selling things made entirely of paper. Even the seats were made of cardboard!

See? I was not kidding! They're pretty comfy too. I'm sitting on the loveseat typing this post on my iPhone.

A cardboard hat! This is an engenious act of inventing!

A hole wall dedicated to fine crafted paper stickers.

Probably my favorite one out of hundreds. The perfume bottle sticker is to die for.

Of course I had to get a shot with a paper soccer ball!

There was then a clockstore next to the paper store. Love the clock outside!

They also sold hand crafted music boxes such as this one. I really liked the song it played ("Sky Castle" from some Japanese movie).

There was also a DIY music box station. These are tiny parts you can put in to design your own.

Someone designed this one! Amazingly cute, eh?

The central square. Reminds me of the fountain/piazzo that Bella runs through to find Edward with the Volturi.

Oh, the wonderul afternoon sun. Isn't spring break great?

My mom took this picture while I was smiling away on the steps of the square. The weather reminds me of my home in southern California...
Well that pretty much closes off my trip to Mon Coeur Resort. Now I'm heading to downtown Taichung!
See you all later,
looks like you are having lots of fun!:D